How to Create a Food Delivery App Similar to EatClub?

Are you thinking of developing a food delivery app like Eatclub? And if you want to succeed in this fast-growing world of food delivery apps, combining innovation with user-centric design is essential. This guide will help you to understand the complex process of developing a food delivery app like Eatclub’s efficiency and popularity.

All About EatClub App

EatClub is an innovative food delivery app that launched in 2016. It transforms the culinary scene. Pan Koutlakis founded the app, and Marco Scott gained immense popularity, with over one million downloads in the first year. It has a user-friendly interface, exclusive offers, and 4.8-star app store ratings, which helped it achieve widespread acclaim. This app works together with thousands of restaurants worldwide to offer various cuisines.

Across India has over 1 million customers, with Rs 210 crore in revenue recorded in FY22. It has over $332 million in funding as of December 14, 2021, and 1,914 employees as of June 30, 2023. It is a significant player in the food industry. According to the survey, downloads have grown by 200% annually. The current market size of the Food delivery industry is US$1.22tn in 2024 and is expected to reach US$1.79tn by 2028.

Eatclub app features are very impressive like multiple restaurant options, seamless order tracking, and in-app payment solutions. For restaurants, it provides a platform to manage online orders and deliveries. It’s a win-win for both food enthusiasts and restaurant owners.

Steps To Develop EatClub Clone App

Creating a food delivery app similar to EatClub involves several critical steps, from initial planning to deployment and maintenance. Here’s a detailed guide to help you through the process:

  • Market Research and Analysis: Understand the needs and preferences of your potential users. Study similar apps to identify strengths and weaknesses. Determine what will set your app apart from competitors.
  • Define Features and Functionality: Allow users to create and manage personal profiles. Provide detailed information about partnered restaurants, including menus and ratings. Enable users to easily browse menus, select items, and place orders. Integrate GPS tracking to allow users to monitor their order status. Support various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and in-app payments.
  • Choose the Right Technology Stack: Use technologies like React Native or Flutter for a seamless cross-platform experience. Opt for robust backend technologies like Node.js, Python, or Ruby on Rails. Choose scalable databases like MongoDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL. Utilize RESTful APIs to facilitate communication between the front end and back end. Integrate reliable payment gateways like Stripe, PayPal, or Braintree.
  • Design the UI/UX: Create wireframes to outline the app’s structure and flow. Develop interactive prototypes to visualize the user experience. Focus on creating an intuitive, user-friendly, and visually appealing design.
  • Develop the App: Implement the design using the chosen frontend technologies. Set up the server, database, and application logic. Conduct thorough testing to identify and fix bugs and ensure the app runs smoothly across all devices.
  • Test the App Thoroughly: Test individual components for functionality. Ensure all components work together as intended. Allow real users to test the app and provide feedback.
  • Deploy the App: Prepare and submit your app to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Ensure your app meets all platform guidelines and legal requirements. Develop a marketing strategy to promote your app and attract users.
  • Monitor and Maintain: Continuously gather and analyze user feedback to improve the app. Release updates to fix bugs, add new features, and enhance performance. Provide ongoing technical support to address any issues users may encounter.


Developing a food delivery app like EatClub requires careful planning, the right technology stack, and a focus on user experience. By following these steps, you can create a successful food delivery app that meets the needs of modern consumers and stands out in the competitive market. Investing in thorough research, robust development, and continuous improvement will ensure your app’s long-term success.

Published by Eliza Smith

Eliza Smith - I am working with the reputed on demand app development company in India which provides on demand app development services with matching your business needs.

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