How to Create UberEats like App to Transform Food Delivery Services?

Gen-Z is dependent upon apps and smartphones for quick services. For meals, in particular, it has become vital the generation uses apps for hunger to get satiated immediately. This has been predominantly responsible for rising of many food delivery apps and the lucrative value of these solutions growing manifold.

Today many apps make food ordering and delivery a cakewalk. They include Swiggy, Zomato, and UberEats, with the latter being one successfully attracting the attention of business owners worldwide who plan to give their food delivery business a digital touch.

So, if you also are among those who plan to transform how you provide food delivery services to your end customers, the article is for you.

Introducing You to UberEats Delivery App

UberEats delivery app is an online food ordering and delivery platform that allows customers to find restaurants nearby, order meals of their choice, and enjoy a hearty dish. Engulfed with features such as scheduling orders, customizing meals, finding restaurants nearby, etc., to name a few, the app makes food ordering a cakewalk. This is why it has gone on to become a trendsetter for those who plan to give a digital touch to their food delivery startup.

Year of Launch – 2014
Areas of Service – USA, Spain, Canada, Chile, Ireland, New Zealand, India, etc.

In the lines below, I discuss the prime reasons that are particularly responsible for this.

Reasons Why UberEats Delivery App is Popular

• Delivery charges are minimal or nil for customers
• Customers can order meals at any hour of the day
• The user can send the meals to their friends or family
• Business gets support to earn considerable revenues through commissions, charging delivery fees, etc, to name a few.

Looking at these factors you can understand the nature of popularity the solution has achieved among those planning to digitize the operations for their food delivery startup.

In the lines below, I discuss the steps in detail. Read them carefully to understand how to develop a food delivery app from scratch to streamline food delivery services for customers.

Develop Food Delivery App from Scratch – Steps to Follow

Planning to develop food delivery app from scratch? Follow these steps so you develop an app like UberEats to provide quick meals to customers anytime, anywhere.

Market Research

Conduct strong market research. This means, studying your competitors and the app they have developed. Check the features they have included and assess the missing elements. Next answer the following questions-

• Who are the customers your app will target?
• Which country/countries do you plan to launch your app?
• Name the features you feel will boost value for your app.

Business Model

There are two models you can pick from when you develop food delivery app from scratch. They include the order-only model and order and delivery model.

• Order-only model where food delivery platform manages and accepts orders without the presence of any possible logistics support. In other words, only the restaurant handles the order.
• Order and delivery model for logistics support, with restaurants involved, commission fees get charged to them. Simultaneously, the business earns revenues through these commissions.


Know features whose inclusion will allow you to build a food delivery app that makes food delivery services easy to access for customers and supports the delivery drivers and restaurants to carry on their operations with ease.

These are some elements you can include:

For the Restaurant

  1. Order management
  2. Menu management
  3. Payment track
  4. Rating and review
  5. Delivery track

For the Customer

  1. Nearby restaurants
  2. Order tracking
  3. Multiple payment options
  4. Customize the menu
  5. Order tracking

For the Delivery Driver

  1. Real-time tracking
  2. Multiple delivery management
  3. Earning reports
  4. Delivery management
  5. In-app chat and call

Tech Stacks

When you develop an app like UberEats, select a robust tech stack to avoid incidents of crashes, especially when customers order meals.

Here are some technology stacks that promise to aid you in this.

  1. For web app development – AngularJS, React
  2. For mobile app development- Kotlin (Android) and Swift (iOS)
  3. For back-end development – PHP
  4. Payment – Stripe, Braintree, PayPal
  5. Location – Google Maps and Google Places
  6. SMS – Twilio
  7. Mailing – MailChimp

Connect with Food Delivery App Development Company Offshore

The last vital step to make your journey pleasant when you develop an app like UberEats is to connect with a food delivery app development company offshore. But a question comes- how do I know if I am picking the right company?

For this, visit GoodFirms or Clutch. Next, assess these areas-

• Assess portfolio
• Check the expertise of the company in the field of food ordering app development services
• Examine the communication pattern they follow when they develop the app
• Assess the UI/UX designs of their apps
• Examine the techniques they follow while performing food ordering app development
• Check client testimonials

Once you have an idea of all these aspects, you can then go ahead and connect with the company you pick. You can then be sure of getting an app similar to the UberEats delivery app and provide seamless meal deliveries to customers anytime, anywhere.
Let us now get an overview of the cost you have to incur when you develop food delivery app from scratch so you do not end up saving on your finances to a great extent.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App like UberEats?

When you set out to develop food delivery app from scratch to build an UberEats-like app, the overall cost will be somewhere between $20,000 to $30,000. Note here- the price is not static. It may go up based on the criteria such as the ones listed below-

  1. Advanced features you add
  2. UI/UX design complexity
  3. Country where you receive food ordering app development services

Wrapping Up

The article makes clear how UberEats has transformed food delivery services for customers. It has also aroused the attention of entrepreneurs worldwide and encouraged them to build solutions similar to UberEats. The development is not as easy a process. It demands your focus on the features, tech stack, and most importantly, the connections you make- in other words, the partners you select need to be capable of this. It will ascertain you create a food delivery empire that earns handsome revenues and allows you to get good returns from Day 1. So wait no longer if you plan to digitize your food delivery operations, connect with a food delivery app development company offshore today, and see profits soar revolutionarily.

Published by Eliza Smith

Eliza Smith - I am working with the reputed on demand app development company in India which provides on demand app development services with matching your business needs.

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